Saransh Gupta

Engineer - III, American Express India Pvt. Ltd.




  • DataBuzz | Data-Analytics and business case study event | Shaastra-the annual Tech Fair | IIT Madras | Date: 6/01/2020
    Result: won 1st position for the AUC-ROC score obtained, overall stood second. click here for the certificate.
  • The Annual Inter-Hall Data-Analytics competition | Azad-Hall | Technology Students Gymkhana | IIT Kharagpur | 10/02/2019
    Our Team stood at 1st position based on the MCC score obtained and overall 3rd position out of all participating teams. Awarded with BRONZE for the Inter-Hall Data-Analytics General Championship organized by The Technology Students Gymkhana. click here for the certificate.

© 2023 Saransh Gupta
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Last updated: February 4, 2023